Friday, January 4, 2013

Entry 9: Taken 2

Over winter break, I watched the movie Taken 2. Within the first ten minutes I noticed a product placement. The daughter's phone is a white iPhone, a typical teenage girl phone, which is also a stereotype. Throughout the movie, she uses her phone a lot to communicate with her father who has been kidnapped by his enemies. Without her phone, she wouldn't have been able to find him. To me, this implies that Apple wants you to think that their phones are really reliable, and even able to save you  or a loved one from death.

It's stereotypical that the girl has the white iPhone, because most girls I know my age have the white one, and Apple wants the audience to think that if you are a teenage girl, the white iPhone is something you can get to be cool, in other words, they use the need for affiliation.

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