Sunday, December 16, 2012

Entry 8: Diet Coke Ad

This ad for Diet Coke is very effective. It uses your physiological needs to entice you. Most people enjoy soda, even though they try not to drink too much of it. The fact that there is a soda on this ad at all makes someone stop and look. Diet Coke is so well known, too that anybody could see the red and gray and know exactly what its for.

They use magic ingredients to try to say that Diet Coke is better for you in the morning than coffee, and that it will wake you up more. Coffee is completely natural, while Coke is not. So basically, they are saying that their man made drink, is better than a drink made directly from something grown in nature.

Entry 7: Allstate Ad

This commercial is really effective for a couple reasons. First, it is hilarious. It uses wit and humor to make itself memorable, and it makes you take it more into consideration. This commercial over exaggerates the situation a lot, but that's what makes it so funny. Nobody would text and walk in the middle of the street, and if they did they would pay enough attention to not get hit by a car.

Another need they used was the need to feel safe. Allstate is saying they will protect you from losing everything you have worked so hard for. They don't want you  losing all your possessions, so they can help protect you.

The last technique they use is weasel words. They imply that they can help you, but how much can they actually help?

Entry 6: Best Buy

This commercial had a lot of different techniques in it. First, we see the plain folks. These two parents just want a great, rememberable, gift for their twin daughters. They want something that will get a great reaction from their daughters, so they went to Best Buy, where the perfect product was in an aisle also known as having a unique reaction.

Another technique this ad used is wit and humor. The commercial is really funny because no teenage girl would react that way to a present they received from Christmas, unless it was a famous person or something. It's really over exaggerated, which makes it funny. The fact that the two workers get really excited is also hilarious.

They also used the need to nurture for this ad. Best Buy is saying you can get your child a present that they will go crazy about. Every parent wants to get their child exactly what they want, in order to make them that happy.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sierra Mist Ad: Entry 5

I saw this ad today in a magazine, and it really got my attention. First of all, it looks really pretty. It has a beautiful background, and in the middle of that is a giant can of Sierra Mist. They use physiological needs as well as magic ingredients.

They use physiological needs because they have a can of soda, which looks really cold and appetizing. It looks like something that anyone would want, because of how simple and appealing just the can looks. If the can is that appealing maybe the soda is too. If someone loves Sierra Mist, that alone is something will make them crave it.

They use magic ingredients, by saying that everything in it is all natural. On the ad, it says "The soda nature would drink if nature drank soda." This is implying that it's so natural, the the most natural thing on this Earth, nature, would drink it if nature was in fact something or someone that drank soda. Just saying it's natural will make a daily soda drinker feel a lot better about themselves. If they were drinking something super natural it's healthy, right? That's what the advertisers want you to think, but that is not necessarily true.

The ways this company advertised Sierra Mist was pretty effective, and I would think that it would trick most people.

Maybelline Ad: Entry 4

This Maybelline commercial was actually really obnoxious. It was really flaunty and showy, and something about it just irked me. I think it definitely used the need for attention, that was obvious. I also think, however, it used the need for prominence. It also used repetition a lot.

The need for attention was the most obvious thing to see in this ad. It had a girl with extraordinary, almost unrealistic eyelashes getting attention from multiple guys. If you are a boy, chances are that you don't know that every girl strives for eyelashes like that. Within ten seconds of the ad most girls are wondering how they can get those eyelashes, and most know that the mascara alone won't do it for them, but they are willing to try anyways.

The reason I think it has a need for prominence is that the girl looks like she's a spy, and the way she's dressed she seems really classy. She fights all these guys, and continues on her way. The fact that she does that so easily makes her seem so admired and respected. The ad is trying to say that if you use their product, it would give you eyelashes like hers, which in turn would make you respected and admired. She also comes off as a spy, which to most people, seems like a really high, and important social rank.

They used repetition a ton in this ad. Whenever they would say something that the mascara did, they would put it in huge letters on the screen. They also repeated the words one by one a lot, which is the name of the mascara.

They used a lot of advertising techniques in this ad, and it definitely worked. It didn't necessarily work well, because instead of liking the commercial I really disliked it, yet I will remember it.

Pacsun Ad: Entry 3

I've come across a lot of Pacsun ads within the last week, and even though these are not the ones I have been seeing, I realized that all Pacsun ads are the same. They all use a need for affiliation, because they all have at least two people in it. The two people are always guaranteed to be smiling or laughing, or all have the same expressions group wide. Just the look their faces have are enough to demonstrate how close the people are to one another.

As if putting a lot of people together wasn't enough, in every single ad I have ever seen for Pacsun, the group of people is always having fun. Whether they are in their bathing suits at night, implying they have had a long day on the beach, or they are all holding skateboard and surf boards, implying they are about to have a long, fun day, the ads always make it seem like the group of friends has some great times together.

Even though it isn't really prominent in these two ads, I've also noticed that Pacsun uses teenagers of both genders in their ads, and usually the guys are really attractive, and the girls are really pretty. They probably use this to attract both males and females to their ads more. If a teenager is flipping through a magazine and they see another person their age who they think is really attractive, chances are they are going to stop and look at the ad for awhile.

Pacsun uses a lot of ways to intrigue people in their ads, and they use the need for affiliation the most. In every Pacsun ad, they use a big group of friends having fun, which implies that if you buy their products you too will have a big group of friends who you have fun with.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Apple iPhone 5 Ad

This ad is very intriguing. The first thing you see is a completely white background with a chalkboard in the foreground. Written on the chalkboard is some very confusing scientific equations that show for only a couple seconds, making you more confused. After confusing you, and leaving you in wonder, they cut to a picture of the iPhone 5, which looks very sleek and elegant, and makes you completely forget how confused you were two seconds ago. Instead, all your attention is drawn to this beautiful black phone, with the white background still behind it. After looking at phone for a couple more seconds, you begin to realize what's actually going on on the screen. The display on the phone is vibrant colors, which makes the screen look even better.

Not only do they make the phone look extremely desirable and intriguing, but they make their company clear as well. At the end of the ad, they show a white screen with only a black apple in the middle of it. Apple is so known, that just by seeing an apple, you know what company this commercial is for, if you did not already know by the phone. Apple has a lot of different kinds of the same commercial for the same product. This one related to physics, but they have one that relates to everything.

They end the ad saying, "Well I guess the laws of physics are just like general guidelines." This is implying that the phone breaks the laws of physics, which makes it seem like it not only very special, but also very advanced for its time. This ad was very effective, because it was so simple and clean looking that it made you focus more on the phone.

First Entry: Nike Ad

In this Nike ad, there's many things they do to try to draw you in. First, looking at just the picture itself, it's noticeably split almost down the middle with one side being dark, and one side being light. The team in yellow has dirt on their uniforms, suggesting they have played a long, hard game. The fact that they are making a wall in order to protect their goal, shows that maybe their long game is not in their favor. They also look a little frightened about what could happen next, and they seem a little intimidated by the person who is going to shoot the PK. Behind them, you don't see any of the audience. The stands are completely black, with faint outlines of people. Now, on the other, lighter, side, one man stands alone with the ball, in his silver uniform. He looks determined, like he knows that he is going to score, which will win him the game. Everywhere around him is light, including the audience, and his whole person. He is standing like an authority figure, and he looks extremely confident.

Above the lone man, are the words, "The moment lasts a second. The legend lasts forever." Just the way these words are phrased, typed, and ordered makes them seem so inspirational. They seem like they are saying that one thing that you do while playing your sport of choice could make you or break you. By saying this, Nike is implying that by wearing their gear you will automatically be better at whatever sport you play, and when you're better, you can turn into a legend. The way that the one man stands out says that by wearing Nike you will stand out and be special as well.