Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sierra Mist Ad: Entry 5

I saw this ad today in a magazine, and it really got my attention. First of all, it looks really pretty. It has a beautiful background, and in the middle of that is a giant can of Sierra Mist. They use physiological needs as well as magic ingredients.

They use physiological needs because they have a can of soda, which looks really cold and appetizing. It looks like something that anyone would want, because of how simple and appealing just the can looks. If the can is that appealing maybe the soda is too. If someone loves Sierra Mist, that alone is something will make them crave it.

They use magic ingredients, by saying that everything in it is all natural. On the ad, it says "The soda nature would drink if nature drank soda." This is implying that it's so natural, the the most natural thing on this Earth, nature, would drink it if nature was in fact something or someone that drank soda. Just saying it's natural will make a daily soda drinker feel a lot better about themselves. If they were drinking something super natural it's healthy, right? That's what the advertisers want you to think, but that is not necessarily true.

The ways this company advertised Sierra Mist was pretty effective, and I would think that it would trick most people.

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