Sunday, December 16, 2012

Entry 6: Best Buy

This commercial had a lot of different techniques in it. First, we see the plain folks. These two parents just want a great, rememberable, gift for their twin daughters. They want something that will get a great reaction from their daughters, so they went to Best Buy, where the perfect product was in an aisle also known as having a unique reaction.

Another technique this ad used is wit and humor. The commercial is really funny because no teenage girl would react that way to a present they received from Christmas, unless it was a famous person or something. It's really over exaggerated, which makes it funny. The fact that the two workers get really excited is also hilarious.

They also used the need to nurture for this ad. Best Buy is saying you can get your child a present that they will go crazy about. Every parent wants to get their child exactly what they want, in order to make them that happy.

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